Archive for the ‘steak’ Category

On our first Valentine’s together, Chris and I attempted to make stuffed flank steak with sun dried tomatoes and cheese, with a fancy fondue for dessert. The steak roll was so salty it was inedible and I totally messed up the rice that was supposed to go with it… I don’t think we even made […]

Well. Hello there. I’ve missed you! The last couple weeks have been absolutely crazy. With Chris coming home from Europe, celebrating his birthday, packing up our house and carrying everything across the street, starting to unpack, then escaping to Bar Harbor for the long weekend… well, I haven’t had much opportunity to cook. Finally that […]

When it comes to picking up the protein in the grocery store, we usually sail right by the steak. For the most part, its expensive and not as easy to cook as our usual chicken, ground beef, seafood, etc. We don’t have a grill. Ridiculous, I know. We’re working on it. When we move to […]